About Us
Park Ridge Baptist is a Spirit-filled family of believers seeking to bless the city of Logan through love. We are a passionate worshipping community who desire to give God the praise and honour worthy of His name. We make space in our services to encounter His presence, follow the leading of the Spirit, and build one another up in faith. We aim to be an authentic family and welcome children to express their love for Jesus as well. In our Sunday gathering, we honour the gifts of the Spirit and, when appropriate, create room for prophecy and healing.
Over 20 years ago, God began showing up in ways that, as a Baptist church, we didn’t initially have categories for. Power encounters, manifestations, and deep experiences of God’s love marked our worship times and prayer meetings. As these experiences spread from our youth into our wider congregation, we knew there was more on offer. For the last 20 years, we carried a conviction to be a spiritual community that stewards the supernatural in credible and biblical ways.
We honour the command in 1 Corinthians 14:1 to eagerly desire spirituality.
We are Kingdom minded . . .
We are a missional church committed to training, equipping, and releasing disciples to declare and demonstrate the Good News that Jesus is alive and His kingdom is being established here on earth. We firmly believe that God has given all of us grace and gifts to live as light in a world that desperately needs the healing touch of Jesus. By faith, we are praying that we will not just see revival, but the reformation of our city around the Lordship of Jesus, and that everyone will prosper under His reign.
Over the last 10 years, God has given us a deep conviction for His Kingdom and the church’s role in establishing it here on earth in greater measure. We understand that the Sunday service was never meant to be the high point of the Christian experience, but it was always meant to be a time of inspiration and edification that propelled an empowered church into the world. When COVID disrupted our typical service format, we used it as a catalyst to bring our function into greater alignment with our growing kingdom convictions, and so we started doing what we now call Community Service Sunday. Over the last 4 years, on the first Sunday of each month, our church goes into our city to clean houses, landscape properties, cook meals, and care for the hurt, poor, and lonely.
We honour the conviction of Paul that the Good News is not fully proclaimed until it is declared in word and demonstrated in deed.
We are an authentic community.
We carry the conviction that our love for one another is a supernatural sign of the goodness of God. We want to love each other so well that our community feels like a family. We humbly allow God to have access to every area of our lives and honestly deal with the areas that need His healing touch. We understand that people are a primary means of God revealing personal growth areas, and thus we are robustly committed to living in community and letting iron sharpen iron.
Some years ago, the leaders of our church began having radical love encounters that began to dramatically reshape the way we saw community. First and foremost, we came to the conviction that our love for Jesus must express itself in our love for one another. Though we come from diverse backgrounds and often see the world uniquely, we refuse to let our differences become a point of division. In fact, we understand that our differences are actually a means of sanctification, and when we take the time to listen in love and see things from alternate perspectives, we are increasingly transformed into the bright and pure bride the church was always designed to be. Like a beautiful pearl, the irritation and tension of doing life together are all means of God shaping something valuable and wonderful in us, and when we hold firm to love, we can never fail.
We honour the command in 1 Corinthians 14:1 and earnestly pursue love.
We are a house of health.
You can’t give what you don’t have. Or perhaps more importantly, you give what you’ve got. If we aren’t maturing by becoming emotionally, spiritually, relationally, socially, and physically healthy, we will inadvertently pass on our dysfunction. The Apostle Paul critiqued the church at Corinth for being fleshly, not spiritual, because even though they operated in power, they lacked maturity. The mandate on our church to be a supernatural, kingdom-oriented community has emphasised the responsibility we have to partner with God in healing our hurts and becoming mature followers of Jesus.
In 2025, we established a health centre at PRBC to be a means for people, couples, and families to step into a greater level of holistic health. It’s not just about healing; it’s about full living in all that Jesus has made available to us. We offer counselling, coaching, and prayer ministry that address health at a foundational level and aim to equip and empower people to walk out their own journey of health. We believe a healthy city is built on a healthy church, a healthy church is built on healthy families, and healthy families are built by healthy people.
We honour the commandment to work out our salvation because God is working in us.
Our Leadership

Steven & Stephanie Goleby

Scott & Toni Muller
Leadership Team

Dean O’Rourke
Leadership Team

Jake & Kaitie Sampson
Leadership Team

Chris Thomson
Leadership Team
Contact Information